A lot of people want to be famous. Particularly young girls dream of fame. They want to be singers, antresol, dancers etc. I think that people want to be famous, because they want to have a lot of money to be able to buy big houses for example.
I don’t want to be famous. Popularity has a lot advantages but I would not have a private life and it’s the biggest disadvantage. For me, money isn’t the most important thing. Paparazzi observe celebrities all the time. They don’t have private life. They cannot do many things normal people do, for example, go to the restaurant, or go to the shop and buy toilet paper, because everything causes a sensation. If I am famous paparazzi will know everything what I do. It’s very uncomfortable.
What is more, when you are famous, people talk about you, so they will gossip. Sometimes someone will think out very painful goss. A lot of people will believe in it and it can ruin our life. I am very sensitive person so I will worry about everything what they say about me.
To sum up, I think that celebrities have to have very strong characters. Such person like me can’t be famous because I will not cope with fame. I prefer calm, intimate life without paparazzi.